Virtual Learning on Inclement Weather Days
If BCPS announces that we will have a virtual learning day due to inclement weather, schools will begin 2 hours late (10:25 am for CES).
In the event of a school closure due to inclement weather, please refer to the schedule in the link below for their synchronous learning expectations. Students must log on to be marked present for the day. Teacher codes are listed at the bottom of each schedule. Classroom teachers also have the daily schedule posted on their Schoology page.
Students will bring home their Chromebooks when there is the chance for inclement weather. Please be sure the Chromebooks and chargers are returned when schools reopen.
The CES office may be working remotely, so please email your child's teacher if you need assistance. You can also call the school at 443-809-0800 and leave a message or email your child's teacher or Mrs Antlitz at
[email protected] or Mrs O’Brien at
[email protected] for additional assistance.
Instructions on Joining a Google Meet
Student Schedules and Google Meet Codes