Arrival and Dismissal Info

Arrival and Dismissal Information

Arrival and dismissal procedures

Dismissal changes & early dismissal info

BCPS Guide to Transportation

Bus Stops: Students are assigned to their bus stop based on their home address, Only students listed as bus riders may ride a bus. Students may not ride any bus other than their assigned bus.  Parents can check their child transportation assignment in the Focus Portal after August 21st.  Please note: some stops were changed this year and some stops moved buses. 

Dismissal Changes

If you need to change your child’s dismissal:

  • Please send a note in with your student or send an email to Mrs. O’Brien and Mrs. Antlitz before 12 pm on the day of the dismissal change. Please include the child’s name, the homeroom teacher’s name, your name, and how you would like your child dismissed (car rider, walker, etc).
  • All dismissal changes must be in writing. We do not accept phone calls for dismissal changes.
  • Only a parent or legal guardian can make a dismissal change.Emailed changes must be from the email address on file for the parent or guardian.
  • Students can only ride their assigned bus. Students who are normally walkers/car riders or go to aftercare cannot ride a bus if they are not assigned as a bus rider.
  • If you are picking up your child, please have a photo ID ready. We will only release to adults that are approved to pick up the student.
  • Dismissal doors open at 3:25 pm. All students must be picked up by 3:40 pm, so please plan to arrive on time.


Early Dismissals

If you need to pick your child up early:


  • Please send a note in with your student or send an email to Mrs. O’Brien and Mrs. Antlitz before 12 pm on the day of the dismissal change. Please include the child’s name, the homeroom teacher’s name, your name, and the time you will be picking your child up from school.
  • All dismissal changes must be in writing. We do not accept phone calls for dismissal changes.
  • Only a parent or legal guardian can make a dismissal change. Emailed changes must be from the email address on file for the parent or guardian.
  • We will call the student down to the office when you arrive. We do not allow students to wait in the office.
  • Please have a photo ID ready. We will only release to adults that are approved to pick up the student.
  • If arriving after 2:00 pm, please park in the parking lot, not the bus loop. Only buses are permitted in the bus loop after 2 pm.

We do not release students for early dismissal after 3:00 pm so plan to arrive before 3:00**.
**We stop early dismissals 30 minutes before dismissal time on early dismissal days.