Registrations for the 2024-2025 school year
Step 1: Verify that CES is your zoned school here. You must reside in Baltimore County and be zoned for Catonsville Elementary to register a child.
Step 2: Call the school at 443-809-0800 to request a registration packet.
Step 3: We will mail a registration packet that includes a list of all required registration documents. Please call the school once you have ALL required documents to schedule your appointment.
Non-traditional enrollment information: For students who reside with someone other than a parent or legal guardian (kinship, foster care, etc); or for students whose parents do not own or rent their home (shared domicile), please visit the BCPS Website.
English Speakers of other Languages (ESOL): Students from outside the state of Maryland whose primary language is not English need to be assessed for their proficiency with English. More information about the assessment of English learners (EL) can be found by visiting the webpage of the ESOL Welcome Center. Required registration and enrollment documents may be presented in-person and approved at the ESOL Welcome Center.
General registration questions: email Mrs. Antlitz at [email protected].
List of required registration documents: click here.
More information: Visit the BCPS Website.
Registration reminders:
-Only a parent or legal guardian may enroll a child.
-All documentation must be provided before your child can be enrolled.
-Child must be present for prekindergarten or kindergarten registrations
-All registrations require and appointment. Please call 443-809-0800 to schedule an appointment.
Registrations for the 2025-2026 school year
Please check back in late March for information about registering your child for the 2025-2026 school year.